Project "Open Scene"
Come into Marsica and discover the beating heart of Abruzzo

Project "Open Scene"

Project “Open Scene” is an ambitious theater program realized by the town of Celano in collaboration with the Teatro dei Colori directed by Gabriele Ciaccia, recognized by the Miur among the accredited subject in the “Arts and Creativity” section. The program includes several events to promote and valorize the historical places of the City, the Auditorium E. Fermi, and the TeAtrio D’Annunzio. The main idea behind the project is to culturally enrich the viewer and to promote the school as a cultural production open to the City, in collaboration with the Istituto Comprensivo Statale “Tommaso da Celano” and the Istituto Galileo Galilei in Celano.

November 22nd, 2:30 p.m. – Nov. 23rd, 11:00 a.m. - TeAtrio D’Annunzio with “The Emeral City”, an adaptation of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, featuring Francesca Cabiddu, directed by Maria Virginia Siriu, Compagnia Theandric Teatro Non Violento di Cagliari.


The Emerald City is based on the famous novel “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” written by L.F. Baum. As anyone will immediately notice, the entire cast is composed by just on actress. Why? The novel has a varied cast of characters! The actress, an extraordinary transformist, will play all the characters, give to each one of them a distinctive voice and personality.

The show emphasizes two aspects from the novel: the importance of cooperation, and the need to not trust whoever tries to feed us a distorted version of reality. Dorothy and her friend travel toward the Emerald City to achieve their goals together, supporting each other through hardships, and without competing against each other – a clear attempt to promote a collaborative and non-competitive social model that aims to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence. When they arrive at the city, they meet the terrible Wizard of Oz, a great illusionist. 

When entering the city, Dorothy and her friends are forced to wear the green glasses, also wore by all the other citizens. Everything is green, from food to coins, to faces. At the end, the characters find out that in Emerald City nothing is green, and that Oz is a con artist leveraging on the gullibility of his subjects.

It is easy to spot the parallel with our media, with the “glasses” that we constantly wear to look at the world. The show offers a dreamlike atmosphere through the use of music and lights.

2022 Schedule

- November 22nd, 2:30 p.m. – Nov. 23rd, 11:00 a.m. - TeAtrio D’Annunzio

Theandric with the “Emerald City”, adapted from “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L.F. Baum.

– December 12th at 11.00 a.m. –  Auditorium  E. Fermi

Teatro dei colori with “The Secret”, adapted from the novel “Luca’s Segret” by Ignazio Silone.

2023 Schedule

– January 24th at 11.00 a.m. (or 2.30 p.m.)  – TeAtrio D’Annunzio

Nata Teatro with “Peter and the Wofl” by Prokofiev.

– February 14 at 2.30 p.m. – February 15th at 11.00 a.m. – TeAtrio D’Annunzio

La bottega teatrale  with “Harlequin’s Hunger”.

– March 2nd at 2.30 p.m, – March 3rd oat 11.00 – TeAtrio D’Annunzio

Arterie Teatro with “Marcovaldo, City Mushrooms” –  adapted from “Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in città” by Italo Calvino.

– March 10th at 2.30 p.m. – March 11th at 11.00 -TeAtrio D’Annunzio

Teatrino dei fondi with “Wheat Kernel” – a play about the love for nature and the 4 seasons.

- March 8th at 11.00 a.m. – Auditorium E. Fermi

Teatro Invito wuth “Travelling with the Comedians” – Commedia dell’Arte

– March 27th at 2.30 p.m. – March 28th at 11.00  -TeAtrio D’Annunzio

Teatrop with “Little Red Hood”.

-March 29th at 11.00 – Auditorium E. Fermi

Fratelli di taglia with “Cantami o diva” from Homer’s Iliad.

Theatre workshop “Words from Silence” with weekley rendez-vous in public schools.

Project "Open Scene"

A theater program packed with events
